Employment and training support
The Council is offering support to Barnet businesses seeking to expand their workforce. This aim forms part of the council's £1 million programme, Platforms, which seeks to support young people aged 16-24 into work or training.
There are several ways businesses can get involved
- By accessing funding to cover the training costs of a new apprentice aged 19-24 (eligibility requirements apply - please see below for more details),email platforms@barnet.gov.uk or visit our platforms page.
- By taking on an apprentice find out how to recruit an apprentice
- By accessing funding to host an internship placement for 3 months (eligibility requirements apply - please see below for more details)
- By accessing funding to host a placement in the voluntary sector (eligibility requirements apply - please see below for more details)
- By volunteering as a mentor for young people looking for practical careers advice (more details of this project will follow in due course)
- By volunteering as a mentor for young people looking to start their own business (more details of this project will follow in due course)
Other schemes that are going ahead as part of the Platforms programme
- an internship scheme at the council itself
- establishing the feasibility of setting a Barnet Studio school (Studio Schools offer a new approach to the education of 14-19 year olds, blending academic and vocational qualifications with work placements in local businesses)
- employability and mentoring support to young people and unemployed graduates
- training and mentoring for young people seeking to start their own enterprise
- a scheme to support young people with learning difficulties into paid employment
- the roll out of a number of Prince's Trust programmes in Barnet
Eligibility guidance for accessing funding
Eligibility for apprenticeship training funds
Eligibility to host a funded internship
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Youth Contract
Through the Platforms programme the Council is seeking to support and enhance the funding for employment and training opportunities available through the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Youth Contract. To gain further details about available funding and wage incentives available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to employ a young person aged 18-24 through the DWP Youth Contract initiatives, please follow this link.
This page will be regularly updated as further news on other opportunities unfolds. Please use the contact details on this page to express your interest in any of the schemes or ask us any questions.