
Special treatments - how to apply

You will need to send the following information

  • A fully completed application form,  ensuring all treatments you intend to offer are listed and all questions are answered. We only approve practitioners who provide treatments they are qualified for. Please specify against each name the treatments that the practitioner provides. If you do not fully complete the form it may delay issue of the licence.
  • Photocopies of all practitioner qualifications. There have been cases where false qualifications have been offered, and our officer will need to see both the original qualification certificates and photo ID as proof of each practitioner’s identity (a passport would be suitable for this) when they visit the premises before issuing the licence.
  • Copy of the Notice displayed in the window of the premises.
  • All licences should have a current Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate for all portable electrical items that are older than 12 months.  Receipts of items purchased 12 months ago may be requested by your application case officer.
  • Copy of the last Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) for the premises - see conditions 38 and 40 of the Regulations. (Business premises only).
  • Copy of the Public Liability insurance policy in place for the premises covering the treatments being offered.
  • Copy of the fire extinguisher servicing certificate (if appropriate). 
  • A member of the Licensing Team will contact you for the application fee, once the application has been received and allocated to an officer.  Please ensure that a suitable contact number and email address are provided on the application form. 

Please note that additional documentation may be required for higher risk assessments such as Laser / IPL or tattooing and body piercing.  Please contact the Licensing Team to ensure that you have all of the documents that you need to submit a valid application form.

We are required under The London Local Authorities Act to inform the Police and Fire Authority of your application. We will therefore send a copy of your application form to them.  

Keep a copy of the Regulations and Conditions on the premises. The licence, when issued, will be subject to certain terms, conditions and restrictions. It will be valid only in the name of the applicant. It will cover only the special treatments listed in your application, and they must not be provided by any practitioner that we have not approved for those treatments. If at a later date you wish to offer other special treatments, employ other practitioners, or make any material change to the premises or the way in which the treatments are given, you will need to apply for a licence variation before doing so.

The licence holder will be fully responsible for making sure all licence conditions are complied with, and could be subject to penalties if the conditions are breached. If a self-employed practitioner is to rent space in premises used by others, it is normally best if they apply for their own licence.

There's a minimum statutory consultation period of four weeks before a licence can be issued.

To minimise delay, you should make sure that any work necessary to comply with the licence conditions or meet the requirements of the Fire Authority is finished as early as possible, preferably before we inspect the premises.

If for any reason you decide not to proceed after you have applied for a licence, a 10% administration charge will be deducted from the fee paid.

Applications should be sent via email to  If you are unable to send the application via email, they can also be posted to:

Licensing Team, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW.