
Reducing food waste

5 ways to save money and prevent food waste

  1. Get familiar with your fridge and friendly with your freezer. Opening the fridge and understanding the ‘best before’ and ‘use by’ labels is key to making the most of your fridge and freezer.
  2. Store cupboard savvy. Try to keep your store cupboard and freezer stocked with a variety of canned, dried and frozen goods so that you know you can create delicious dinner from leftovers.
  3. Getting your portions right. Day after day we serve up basic staples like bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, and often what we don't eat ends up going straight in the bin. Are you getting your portions right? For instance, a mug full of rice will serve four adults.
  4. Lovely leftovers. It’s amazing how many meals you can get from one chicken. If you have a roast on Sunday, the remains of the chicken can make a great curry or a delicious risotto later in the week there may even be enough for a sandwich or two.
  5. Planning your meals. Meal planning is one of the most effective ways you can save on your food bills. Start by checking your fridge, freezer and store cupboard and ask yourself what you really need. Then, before you go shopping, think carefully about what you're going to need for the week and write a list.

Reducing your food waste could save you up to £70 a month!

The average household throws away between £400 and £840 worth of edible food each year. By turning less food into rubbish we can in turn make a huge saving at the checkout! Find out what your £70 could go to buy instead!

We asked residents in the High Barnet area to share the little things they do to make the most of the food they buy. Here are a few of them:

  • mix and fry potatoes, greens, carrots and leftovers for bubble and squeak
  • take the leftovers from your evening meal to work for lunch the next day
  • use bruised or brown fruit to make smoothies or milkshakes
  • eat the oldest yoghurt next
  • ensure the oldest bottle of milk is the most accessible in the fridge
  • Yorkshire puddings with a twist – pour batter over leftovers and bake it in a hot oven
  • when making muffins, add ‘tired’ fruit
  • over ripe bananas can be made into banana cake
  • put food in the freezer
  • use stale or waste bread to make breadcrumbs and freeze them, or cut into cubes and fry for croutons
  • leftover cooked vegetables can go into an omelette. Fresh veg past its best can go into a stir-fry
  • make soup from leftover vegetables and chicken
  • experiment and make up recipes from your leftovers

For a wide range of tips and hints visit Love Food Hate Waste, which includes a handy Food Waste Assistant