
How school places are offered at Barnet community primary schools

There are a set number of school places available in Barnet. When we receive more applications for school places than we can offer, we will decide who gets a school place based on order of priority.

The priority order is based on over subscription criteria with 1 being the highest.  An applicant who meets criteria 1 will be offered a school place first.

The primary  schools guide has detailed information about  the school admissions criteria (PDF)

Criteria 1: 

Looked after children and previously looked after children


Criteria 2:

Children with exceptional medical or social needs or other need that the school is particularly able to meet


Criteria 3:

Children who have a brother or sister, this includes half, step, adoptive and foster siblings, living at the same address and already attending the school or linked school.


Criteria 4:

Children of teaching staff at the school where they have been employed for two or more years at the time of application and will be employed as a teacher at the school when the child starts school.


Criteria 5:

Children living in the school catchment area with priority given to those who live closest to the school when measuring distance in a straight line.

Criteria 6:

Children living outside the school’s catchment area who live closest to the school when measuring distance in a straight line.