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Are you a resident of Finchley who wants to get more involved in your community? Would you like information and advice about what services are available to Barnet residents? Do you have a skill or interest to share? Gina Pavlo, Prevention and Wellbeing Coordinator, would love to hear your views on your local community. For further information email Gina Pavlo or call on 07716 092302.

Coffee afternoon at Osidge library

Last updated: 9 March, 2023

Come and join us for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat!  Drinks cost 50p per beverage and biscuits will be available.

Our Shared Reading group provides an opportunity for you to relax, make new friends and share stories with others every week. Enjoy listening to a great story or poem read aloud. You can join in if you wish, but there is no pressure to talk or read. Email Childs Hill library or ask a member of staff for more information about how to join the online meeting.

Baby Nurture Group at Finchley Church End Library

Last updated: 1 November, 2022

The Baby Nurture Group is a three-week programme for parents with new babies. It's an ideal opportunity for new parents to meet and get to know other new parents . We will sing some gentle rhymes and songs, discover some lovely baby books and explain a little about library services for you and your baby. 

PC Skills at Mill Hill Library

Last updated: 10 August, 2023

Free sessions available to book. We can help with a variety of tasks including searching the internet, setting up an email account, and  Microsoft Office.  Customers can use the PCs provided or bring along a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Please telephone or enquire at the front desk.

Conversation Cafe at Childs Hill library

Last updated: 30 October, 2023

Conversation Café is for people whose first language is not English and who would like to improve their speaking skills. The sessions cover a variety of subjects and topics to help you gain confidence in speaking English in a fun, relaxed and welcoming environment. Email Childs Hill Library for more information.

Wreath Making with The Loop

Last updated: 9 November, 2022

Join The Loop in a creative session of wreath making. The instructor will guide you through the steps needed to create your own decorative wreath with recycled materials.  Please bring along any scraps of material to repurpose for this event. Additional materials will also be provided.

150 years of Burnt Oak

Last updated: 10 November, 2022

Saturday Socials at Burnt oak library Share your memories and enjoy a short film recounting the history of Burnt Oak from 1860 to 1960 made by Hugh Petrie MA; Historian and Barnet's Heritage Development Officer.  Entry is free, no need to book and refreshments will be provided.  Saturday Socials is a community project funded by Barnet Council. There will be more to come in 2023.    

Saturday Socials at Burnt oak library Join us for a cuppa and a cake, whether you're joining us on your own or popping in with friends.  Entry is free, no need to book and refreshments will be provided.  Saturday Socials is a community project funded by Barnet Council.    

Gentle Gym Saturday Socials at Burnt Oak library

Last updated: 24 November, 2022

Saturday Socials at Burnt oak library Take your seat for relaxing exercise in the comfort of a chair, led by our experienced trainer. Entry is free, no need to book and refreshments will be provided.  Saturday Socials is a community project funded by Barnet Council.