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Grenfell Tower - one year on
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
“We must learn the lessons from this terrible tragedy and we will continue to review and enhance fire safety measures in flats to ensure people feel safe in their homes.” In remembrance of those who lost their lives, council staff will join in a nationwide one-minute silence at noon on Thursday 14 June. A silence will also be observed before this evening's meeting of the council's Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee.
Turning your ideas into reality through the Barnet Together crowdfunding initiative
Last updated: 31 January, 2019
Through a community crowdfunding initiative, as part of the Barnet Together campaign, residents will be able to apply for up to £5,000 in funding to bring their ideas to life. From community gardens and street murals to festivals and sports facilities, crowdfunding allows people to pitch ideas for projects that will improve Barnet's high streets, residential neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces.
Barnet marks Holocaust Memorial Day 2016
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
Around 300 people attended the annual event which took place at Middlesex University’s campus in the The Burroughs, Hendon, on Sunday 17 January. The theme of this year’s memorial day was ‘Don’t Stand By’. The theme asks us to consider our individual responsibilities not to be bystanders to hate crime and prejudice, or to international threats of genocide.
Feel fab this summer
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
Being active is easy, fun and social. It can lift your mood, keep your heart healthy and reduce your risk of serious illnesses. It is also a great way to spend time with family, meet friends and get involved in the local community. The Fit and Active Barnet (FAB) campaign showcases real Barnet residents and highlights the positive impact that being active can have on your physical and mental health, as well as your overall wellbeing.
Join the ‘Animal Agents’ this summer
Last updated: 4 February, 2019
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge, which is run in collaboration with the Reading Agency, encourages children aged from 4 to 11 to continue reading and developing their literacy skills over the summer holidays. The challenge, which runs from 15 July to 23 September, is themed around ‘Animal Agents’ and sees the Reading Agency team-up with bestselling children’s author and illustrator, Tony Ross. Children taking part can sign up and read whatever they choose - from stories and fact books, to poetry books, e-books or e-audiobooks.
North London Half Marathon returns to Barnet
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
Using the roads of Brent and Barnet will cause some changes to usual traffic routes for a limited period on the day of the race. In planning the event, every effort has been made to minimise the disruption caused. To find full race information, visit:
Pupils celebrate A-level exam success
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
Barnet’s results remain high this year even with the introduction of new linear A-levels, and the borough’s schools continue to exceed the national averages. Results received so far in Barnet show 98.3% of A-level examinations were awarded an A* to E grade. This is above the national average of 97.9%. 83.2% achieved an A* to C (above the national average of 77.4%), 63.4% A* to B (above the national average of 53.1%) and 38.9% A* to A. The percentage awarded an A* to A is 12 percentage points higher than the national average (26.3%).
Latest update on Granville Road - Friday, 4 August
Last updated: 11 February, 2019
In response to this, we have written to the residents at Granville Road, to let them know that we are awaiting more detailed feedback on the technical tests. The safety and peace of mind of our residents is our priority, and there are already plans in place for the cladding to be removed. Preparatory works have begun on site and cladding removal will begin on August 14. In the meantime, we continue to have additional fire safety measures in place to reassure residents.
New Thameslink station to be named Brent Cross West
Last updated: 31 January, 2019
Following extensive work on behalf of the council and its partner, Argent Related, local residents and community groups were engaged with about options for naming the area. Councillors voted in favour of Brent Cross West as the name of the new Thameslink Station at Monday night’s Assets Regeneration and Growth Committee.
Views sought on 2017/18 budget
Last updated: 8 February, 2019
Following the Government’s Local Government Finance Settlement announcement on December 15, Barnet Council has updated its annual budget consultation to ask residents’ views on whether the council should use the additional flexibility provided to apply an increased social care precept to Council Tax bills in 2017/18.