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Education and Skills staff transfer to Cambridge Education
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
An innovative partnership between Barnet Council and Cambridge Education has begun today (1st April) with staff transferring over to the specialist education company. The partnership with Cambridge Education, part of the Mott MacDonald Group*, was agreed by full council in December 2015.
We want to hear your stories as RAF marks its Centenary
Last updated: 21 November, 2019
The centrepiece of RAF100 will take place on 10 July, with a centenary service in Westminster Abbey, followed by a parade in The Mall and spectacular flypast over Buckingham Palace. Here in Barnet, we are home to the RAF Museum, opened in 1972, and to mark this special year, the council will be supporting the celebration and making some of our own archive material available for public view. The borough has a rich aviation history, through aircraft manufacturers that were based here as well as RAF Hendon and more recently the museum.
Proposals agreed for future of education services
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
Full Council on 8 December agreed proposals to enter into a strategic partnering arrangement with Cambridge Education, part of the Mott MacDonald Group*. The partnering arrangement was approved by the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee in November and referred to full Council for final approval. The arrangement between Barnet Council and Cambridge Education will help to ensure that the education offer in Barnet remains among one of the best in the country despite the challenging economic climate that the council is facing.
Food waste recycling hits the road
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
With around 35% of the average Barnet refuse bin containing food waste that could have been recycled, the council are keen to raise awareness with residents about what they can do to reduce or recycle it. An estimated 20,000 tonnes of food waste is disposed of in refuse bins on average every year in Barnet, costing more for the council to process than if recycled.
Libraries technical issues
Last updated: 8 February, 2019
All Barnet libraries are open for business and our main Library IT system has now been restored. Whilst most services are now available to residents, a small number remain unavailable. We continue to work to restore all remaining services, including online catalogue, reservations and online account access.
Interactive tool launched to seek residents’ views
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
The tool allows users to explore local areas on an online map, make comments on current suggestions and vote using a ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’. The tool also allows users to propose new sites or facilities by dragging and dropping a pin onto a location. As well as voting, the tool enables conversations between neighbours and communities as users are able to comment on each other’s proposals. There are currently two topics that users can contribute to: the provision of cycle parking across the borough, and improvements to Montrose Playing Fields and Silkstream Park.
Stay warm and well this winter
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
The British Red Cross are working with the council’s Environmental Health Team to provide the Home from Hospital Service which offers ‘Winter Warm’ packs to vulnerable people living in cold homes who are returning from a stay in hospital. The packs are intended to help people recovering at home and are valuable in emergencies such as power outages for the most vulnerable and at risk. They include items such as a warm blanket, hat, gloves, socks, hot water bottle, thermos cup, thermometer and information.
Victoria Cross recipient honoured
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
The memorial stone to the Reverend Edward Noel Mellish was officially unveiled near his place of birth during a special ceremony on Wednesday 23 March. Among those attending the ceremony were more than 20 relatives of Rev Mellish who had travelled from across the UK to be there, including his daughter Claire Mellish who unveiled the stone.
Putting safety in the driving seat for pupils
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
As part of Safe Drive Stay Alive, a programme delivered by Barnet Council and Re*, pupils from seventeen Barnet schools attended hard-hitting sessions at the Artsdepot in Finchley. Officers from the emergency services, parents whose teenage children died in car accidents and a survivor of a collision gave their testimonies to pupils, who were also shown a film taking them through the reconstruction of a fictitious, but typical, scenario which reveals the life-changing, or life-ending, consequences of dangerous driving.
Suspected loan shark arrested in Barnet
Last updated: 19 November, 2018
The Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT), working in partnership with London Borough of Barnet Trading Standards and the Metropolitan Police Service, executed a warrant at a residential address in Hendon, seizing documentation and electronic devices. The suspect is currently in custody and is being questioned by officers from the IMLT.