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Barnet Healthy Heritage Walks launched

Last updated: 31 July, 2019

Our first guided walk, from Hendon to Mill Hill, attracted members of the Ramblers, Age UK, Diabetes UK, councillors, MP Matthew Offord, residents, their children and some dogs. It was the first of six new Barnet Healthy Heritage Walks to promote the borough’s history. The rain held off, and attendees learned about the rich history of Hendon and Mill Hill while socialising and exercising.

London County Council built over 89,000 homes between the wars after the Addison Act received royal assent in July 1919, providing government subsidies for local authorities to build houses. More than half of them were built in out-of-county ‘cottage suburbs’. The 4,000-home development Watling Estate in Burnt Oak, then in the urban district of Hendon, was the third largest of these (after Becontree and St Helier).

The form ensures that Barnet Council can keep the Register of Electors up to date and identify any residents who are not registered so that they can be encouraged to do so. This will mean that once registered residents will be able take part in any future elections.

Crowdfund Barnet is back!

Last updated: 1 November, 2022

This initiative gives residents with project ideas the ability to attract funding from the community, council, businesses and foundations through one portal. We raised £350,000 for good causes during our original partnership, with more than 1,000 people getting involved and pledging money.

Barnet A-Level students jump for joy

Last updated: 15 November, 2019

Barnet’s results remain high this year, continuing to exceed national averages, despite a small drop compared to those recorded 12 months ago. Results received so far in Barnet show 98.3% of A-level examinations were awarded an A* to E grade. This is above the national average of 97.6%. 81.4% of students achieved an A* to C grade (above the national average of 75.8%), 59.4% A* to B (above the national average of 51.6%) and 34.5% A* to A. The percentage awarded an A* to A is nine percentage points higher than the national average (25.5%).

Pupils celebrate GCSE exam success

Last updated: 20 September, 2019

This year sees the continuation of the new nationwide system for measuring students’ attainment (using a points scale of 9-1) as well as ‘Attainment 8’ and ‘Progress 8’, which measure the achievement of a pupil across eight qualifications including English and Mathematics. Results so far show the average Attainment 8 score in Barnet is 58.8 points compared to the national average in 2018 of 47.4 points. This is a three point increase on Barnet’s score in 2018.

East Barnet Library is on the move!

Last updated: 20 September, 2019

The current library building in Brookhill Road, East Barnet, will close on 31 August ahead of the opening of the new library.The move will provide a brand new modern library equipped with improved public computer facilities, an on-site café and increased parking.

How to stay safe in the hot weather

Last updated: 19 August, 2020

How to stay safe in hot weather Stay out of the heat: Keep out of the sun between 11am and 3pm If you have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat and light scarf Avoid extreme physical exertion Wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes Cool yourself down:

Encampment at Woodhouse Open Space

Last updated: 23 August, 2019

Residents who need to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour are asked to contact the police on the non-emergency number, 101. If emergency police attendance is required, please dial 999.

Mental health

Last updated: 29 August, 2019

Mental health