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Dangerous drivers targeted by Barnet Council

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The plans form part of the council’s Parking Policy, implemented in January 2015, to make Barnet’s roads safer, keep traffic moving and reduce air pollution. The new locations follow the success of recent enforcement actions which has seen a two-thirds increase in the number of people complying with parking regulations around schools.

Council's successful World Mental Health Day

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The successful event, supported by Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Barnet Council, was held at the Meritage Centre in Hendon to focus on the importance of mental health and wellbeing. One in four people will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime. Mental health voluntary organisations such as Mind, Eclipse, and Barnet Voice have together planned this event with The Network, Outreach Barnet and others. The event also raised awareness of Barnet’s Wellbeing Hub which delivers mental health support within the community.

Community Centre nears completion

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Delivered by GRAHAM, The Tarling Road Community Centre will include a learning area, large meeting hall, café with seating, accessible lift, and 980 metres of functional space for people to use. It is due to open its doors in East Finchley later this year.

This is a tremendous achievement for the Barnet-based group which has over 400 charities utilising its services and over 8,000 registered volunteers helping the charity connect with the Jewish and wider community. Barnet has a number of residents assisting the organisation, including Mike Boda, who uses his spare time to help holocaust survivors and run the IT systems at JVN. Mr Boda is semi-retired and saw volunteering as an opportunity to give something back to the community.

The e-mails started to appear on the afternoon of 20 March, with several people contacting the council by phone and on social media to query their status. Whilst the messages use the council’s logo and branding, they have no affiliation to Barnet Council. Those that have received an e-mail are asked to report the scam using Action Fraud, the National Fraud and Cyber Reporting Centre, at Anyone that has opened a link in the e-mail is also advised to scan their computer for viruses or other malicious software.

Billboards fall foul of the law

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Tony Shaw, 50, of Finchley Road, parked up six cars on busy roads and prominent locations across Barnet to promote his waste removal business. The cars, each fitted with a large billboard attached to the roof, were then left parked in the same space without moving for months at a time. Despite the cars being used principally as advertising billboards, Mr Shaw failed to apply for any planning permission.

Care leavers to receive Council Tax exemptions

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The paper went before the Policy & Resources Committee on 13 February, in which members voted in favour of authorising the Deputy Chief Executive to consult on the policy before submitting it at a future committee meeting for approval. The policy will offer council tax relief to care leavers up to age 25 for their first two years of independent living. Care leavers experiencing financial difficulties after the initial period will also be eligible for relief. Financial help would be available to care leavers living outside of Barnet.

Barnet Youth Zone location confirmed

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Members voted in favour of delivering the new youth facility at the preferred location, subject to planning, as part of the redevelopment and regeneration of the playing fields, during the council’s Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee meeting on Monday 30th November. The announcement comes after members voted unanimously in support of the exciting plans in September, which will see a purpose-built Youth Zone open seven-days-a-week with more than 20 activities on offer every session for young people aged 8-19, or up to 25 for those with a disability.

Council keeps residents safe during Storm Doris

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The high winds, which are affecting many parts of the UK, have caused damage to property across Barnet. The council currently has five teams out working to clear fallen trees. Cherry Tree Wood has been locked as a precaution but all of Barnet’s other parks currently remain open. Councillor Dean Cohen, Chairman of Barnet Council’s Environment Committee, said: “I'd like to offer my thanks to the staff involved in today's response for their swift action. Whilst there's nothing we can do about instances of freak weather, I'm pleased we've been able to keep residents safe.”

CPO decision on Brent Cross Cricklewood confirmed

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Today, the Secretary of State for Department of Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid has approved two compulsory purchase orders that move the scheme to the next stage of the development process. Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius, said: “The Secretary of State's decision is a significant milestone in the Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration scheme which is a huge growth opportunity for Barnet and also for London.