
My Say Matters strategy

Children and young people helped us develop the My Say Matters strategy. Many of them have told us that they know they have a right to be heard and they have lots to say.

Children and young people in the borough told us that equality, diversity and inclusion need to be at the heart of My Say Matters. This means everyone will be supported to share their voice and express themselves fully. Especially those from racially diverse, migrant and LGBT+ communities, disabled children and other marginalised groups.

They hope that this strategy will ensure that their voices are listened to and that their ideas, opinions and feedback will have an impact.

The strategy sets out the way we are going to connect with and involve children and young people. We want to hear what children and young people think so that it can help us make decisions and shape our services. This will happen by making sure we give children and young people the time, space and resources to do this.

We will listen to, work and act on what children and young people tell us.

We will also be evaluating the impact and effectiveness of our strategy with children and young people.

We look forward to expanding our approach and increasing children and young people's influence over the services they use and things that affect them. 

Barnet Child Participation and Family Involvement Strategy 2022 to 2025 (PDF, 3.68 MB)

Family Feedback Report June 2023

Through the ‘My say Matters: Child Participation and Family Involvement Strategy’ Barnet Family Services are committed to seeking, listening to, and acting on feedback from children, young people and their families. What they say really does matter to us.

The Family Feedback June 2023 report summarises the feedback from young people and their families supported by family services. It includes updates on how family feedback has been used to improve the support offered to families, and what we are focusing on next as a result of what families are telling us.

Thank you to the children, young people, families, and practitioners who have supported young people to get involved and have their say. If you have any feedback about family services you would like to share with us, please email: so we can continue to listen to the families we support.