Post-16 education and skills privacy notice
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We provide careers guidance to those between 14 and 19 or up to age 25 where the individual has a learning difficulty and/or a disability.
Personal information collected
- name
- address and contact details
- date of birth
- equalities information
- health information and additional needs
- family and relationship information
- education information
- other agencies involved
- financial information
- nationality
- referral and assessment information
- criminal and prosecution information
- employment details.
Who we share the information with
- Department for Education
- other local authorities (education, social care and relevant housing and employment and other services)
- schools or other educational establishments like colleges and training providers
- youth offending teams and relevant youth custodial establishments
- organisations for whom we are sub-contractors.
Legislation that applies
- Sections 42A1, 42B and 45A of the Education Act 1997
- Section 72 of the Education and Skills Act 2008
- Guidance is issued under sections 18 and 68(4) of the Education and Skills Act 2008 (ESA 2008) in relation to sections 10, 12 and 68 of that Act.
How long we keep your information
- 7 years after the end of the programme for learners supported by European Social Funded programmes
- CCIS client records are archived for 12 months following the upper limit of the cohort age (age 19 or up to 25 with SEND) and then subsequently fully deleted from the database within 36 months.
In addition, those groups that would benefit from increased retention and monitoring, such as care leavers and those engaging with additional services (SEND), may have their retention period increased to allow access to services. Archived data is fully deleted within 36 months to allow for subject access requests, reinstatement of clients not previously identified as SEND, court proceedings (cases) and reporting requirements.