
Outreach Barnet

Contact Details


Outreach Barnet
PO Box 55139
N12 0RG


020 3115 1185

Outreach Barnet works with individuals referred by Barnet Council to help maintain their accommodation by offering a range of housing-related support which promotes independence and empowerment. Individuals are also assisted to access other services.Who is eligible for the service? People aged 16+, People referred by the borough of Barnet, families with dependent children, People in need of support to live independently and sustain accommodation, People with mental health problems, learning difficulties, physical or sensory disabilities alcohol or drug problems, People who are homeless, refugees, ex-offenders/at risk of offending, A young person or teenage parent at risk, Most support is provided on a short-term basis, on average for a six-month period. In some cases support will be shorter or longer, depending on need.


A drop-in service is provided between Monday to Friday (except Wednesday mornings), 9-11.30am and 2-4.30pm.