
Jewish Deaf Association (JDA)

Contact Details


Julius Newman House
Woodside Park Road
N12 8RP


020 8446 0502


020 8445 7451

JDA have a wide range of services including:
1. Day Centre & Support Services
For older Deaf/Deafblind British Sign Language users:
• Wednesday Day Centre - JDA provides a regular programme of accessible social, cultural and educational activities, signed events including health talks, Keep Fit, computer classes, outings.
• Support Services - interpreters, transport, practical and emotional support.
• 55+ Group – events programme for active, independent Deaf/Deafblind people aged 55 and over.

2. Independent Deaf Support Services (IDSS)
For Deaf/Deafblind British Sign Language users, Barnet residents of any age, of all faiths and none
• BSL Tuesdays: weekly drop-in and follow-up providing information, advice and advocacy
Tuesdays (except Bank Holidays and Jewish Holy Days) 10 am – 1 pm; 2 – 4 pm
• Social Services support and referrals last Tuesday of each month
• BSL Tuesdays Coffee mornings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month

3. Hearing Connect
For people with hearing loss or tinnitus, of all faiths and none, their families, carers and professionals.
• Technology & Information Centre – professional advice and opportunity to try out latest specialist equipment and order most suitable, e.g. telephones, doorbells, smoke detectors, alarms, personal hearing loops
•Impartial information on NHS and private sector audiology
• Lipreading classes, hearing aid clinic, book club, social and discussion groups
• Tinnitus management

4. Family Services
For parents and families with deaf children – specialist, personal support for Jewish parents of children with a hearing loss, from newly diagnosed deaf babies to older children who have lost their hearing through illness or accident. Support right through school to university.

5. Hearing Loss Awareness training
For professionals and carers, e.g. in schools and residential homes.


Jewish Deaf Association (JDA)


People who are Deaf, Deafblind or experiencing hearing loss or tinnitus


Support Organisations » People with hearing difficulties