
An online evening with bestselling Swedish author Arne Dahl

By: Barnet Libraries
Wednesday, 8th Feb 2023 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Book with Eventbrite

Join us for a free online evening with Swedish international bestselling author Arne Dahl discussing his latest crime novel 'You Are Next'. Arne will be in discussion with Jacky Collins aka Dr Noir.

This event includes a question and answer session and an online bookseller will be in attendance.

Arne Dahl is the author of twenty novels and has been translated into more than thirty languages. He is the creator of the bestselling Intercrime series which was made into a BBC TV series.

A collage of images including author Arne Dahl, a cover image of his book 'You Are Next', and Jacky Collins
A collage of images including author Arne Dahl, a cover image of his book 'You Are Next', and Jacky Collins