
Poetry Workshop and Competition at North Finchley library

By: Barnet Libraries
Thursday, 12th Oct 2023 11:00am - 12:30pm
North Finchley Library
Ravensdale Avenue
N12 9HP

Barnet Libraries have teamed up with Age UK Barnet to organise a creative writing workshop focused on poetry. The workshop will be led by Richard Neville, storyteller and creative writing teacher, who believes in spontaneity, using word games and writing exercises to inspire poetry and prose.

Book for this free workshop by emailing or just turn up on the day!

The workshop should inspire you to write your own poem which we hope you will enter into our age-friendly Barnet poetry competition. The winning entries will be published in our upcoming anthology!

Whether you attend the workshop, you are welcome to enter a poem into Age UK Barnet's competition. Email your poem to by 6 November 2023.The competition is open to Barnet residents aged 50+.

This event is part of the Barnet Libraries Creative Communities programme.

Richard Neville, storyteller and creative writing teacher
Richard Neville, storyteller and creative writing teacher