
Freedom of Information Request

Public toilet provision

Received: 16 July 2024

1.Across all council departments, what percentage of the council's budget was spent on public toilets (i.e. cleaning, maintenance, refurbishment, opening) in the last financial year (2023/24) and how has this figure changed compared to 2013/14? 2.As of 16/7/24, how many public toilets does the council currently maintain? 3.How many new public toilets has the council opened since 2013/14?4.How many public toilets has the council permanently closed since 2013/14? 5.On how many occasions has Community Infrastructure Levy or Section 106 funding been used to add or improve public toilet provision in your borough since 2013/14? 6.Do you have a Community Toilet Scheme (in which businesses offer their loos to non-paying customers) and, if so, how many businesses are participating as of 16/7/24?7.Do you have a public toilet strategy or plan that is published internally or available to be viewed by the public? 8.Is there a council employee leading on the delivery of improving public toilet provision and in which department do they sit?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download