
Freedom of Information Request

Mid-Term School Places Change

Received: 29 November 2024

Please provide the answers to the following questions in relation to the number of requests for individual children's school places, rather than the number of actual requests. So if a request was made by a parent on behalf of two siblings that would count as two requests rather than one.1. Please state how many requests your authority received in each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/4 and (iii) the current academic year 2024/25 for a place within your authority that was made outside of the standard admissions process (i.e. an in-year transfer, or mid-year transfer)?2. Please state how many of these requests (your answer to Question 1) you have been able to fulfil for each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/24 and the current academic year (iii) 2024/25?3. Please state how many of these requests (your answer to Question 1) your authority received in each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/24 and (iii) the current academic year 2024/25 for a place in a school within your authority in relation to a child that was exiting from a place in an independent/private school?4. Please state how many of these requests (your answer to Question 3) you have been able to fulfil for each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/24 and the current academic year (iii) 2024/25?5. Please state how many requests your authority received in total (those made in-year/mid year and those to be actioned at the conclusion of an academic year) in each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/24 and (iii) the current academic year 2024/25 for a place in a school within your authority where the child is exiting from another school? Note: In relation to this question please do NOT include the normal transfer of pupils from one school to another when they progress from Year 6 in primary school to Year 7 in secondary school.6. Please state how many of these requests (your answer to question 5) you have been able to fulfil for each of the last two academic years (i) 2022/23, (ii) 2023/24 and the current academic year (iii) 2024/25?7. In how many of these cases from your answer to Question 3 have you opted to allow the children to stay at the private school and the local authority has decided to take on the cost of the school fees? For each case please state in which academic year your authority took over the payment of the school fees and state if the pupil did have or did not have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming an independent/private school?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exceeds appropriate limit) - application/pdf - Download