
Freedom of Information Request

Tree Preservation Order (TPOs)

Received: 5 December 2024

Item 1 Tree Preservation Orders (TPO's) FOI Request: Please provide detail on the number of new TPO's made in the calendar year (Jan - Dec)202220232024 (to date)tem 2 TPO FOI Request: Please advised how many of the above TPO's were confirmed.Item 3 TPO FOI Request: Please advise whether any of the TPO's were confirmed as AREA orders.Item 4 TPO FOI Request: Please advise how many TPO applications were received:202220232024 (to date)Item 5 Conservation Area (s211 Notifications) FOI Request: Please advise how many s211 (trees) notifications were received.202220232024 (to date)Item 6 Conservation Area to TPO. FOI Request: Please advise how many of the above mentioned s211 notifications led to the creation of a new TPO. 202220232024 (to date)Item 7 Development application to TPO FOI request: Please advise how many development applications (FULL planning applications) resulted in the creation of a new TPO under the powers granted subject to s198 (1) Town & Country Planning Act. 202220232024 (to date)Item 8 TPO/ CA Investigations & Prosecutions FOI request: Please advise how many alleged breaches of TPO/ CA (Tree Works) were reported.202220232024 (to date)Item 9 TPO/ CA Investigations & Prosecutions FOI request: Of the reported breaches please advise how many resulted in a formal investigation and specifically evidence gathering under formal caution (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984). 202220232024 (to date)Item 10 TPO/ CA Investigations & Prosecutions FOI request: Of formally investigated claims please advise how many resulted in the authority seeking and securing a successful prosecution. If specific details of these are available, please provide a summary to include the level of fine secured and confirmation of a guilty verdict or acquittal. 202220232024 (to date)Item 11 TPO Replanting FOI request: Please advise the number of replacement trees secured by way of appropriate planning condition or in line with the duty to replace (where a tree or trees is removed under exemption). 202220232024 (to date)Item 12 TPO Replanting (enforcement) FOI request: Of the conditioned or duty to replace trees administered by the authority please advise whether these have been verified on site to ensure compliance. Please advise whether enforcement action was taken where they were not. 202220232024 (to date)

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download