
Freedom of Information Request

Section 106 of housing developments

Received: 30 January 2025

Dear Freedom of Information OfficerI am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the following data.The number of major housing developments (10 or more dwellings) in your jurisdiction which were completed between the years 2021-2025 inclusive which had a Section 106 (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) planning obligation.Of these completed developments, the number which changed the stipulations of their S106 obligations, or did not provide them, by the time of completion.For these, please provide the following:The name of the development, the developer name, and original planning permission reference.The obligations the developer agreed to as part of the Section 106 to the council upon initial planning permission being granted.A summary of the final delivery (including built property or financial contributions) provided by the developer to fulfil the Section 106 agreement, upon completion of the building contract.Any reasons given by the developer for any difference between the initial agreement and final delivery.If any developer did not provide anything by way of fulfilment of the Section 106 agreement, please summarise any further action taken by the council, including but not limited to litigation, requiring a replacement contribution of any kind, such as a financial contribution, discontinuing the building project, etc.Please provide this data in an excel spreadsheet.If this hits the cost limit, please advise me how I might reword it to come under. May I remind you of your duty under s16 to assist and advise me.I look forward to receiving your response within the required 20 working days.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (information exempt) - application/pdf - Download