
Freedom of Information Request

request Consultation RSE045

Received: 27 January 2025

Resident at 31 Durham Road, East Finchley, N2 9DP. Following the receipt of the consultation RSE045 in December 2024 and my response by email dated 8 January 2025 to the consultation, I wish to ask for the following information from LBB:1. The total number of consultation requests for consultation RSE045 sent to residents.2. The total number of responses received for consultation number RSE045 by the given deadline of 9 January 2025.3. If the deadline of 9 January 2025 was changed such that LBB accepted responses on the consultation RSE045 after this deadline, the date of the new deadline and the number of responses received by LBB by the new deadline.4. Any interim report prepared by LBB which sets out the number of responses received to consultation RSE045. Of those responses received, please give details of how many are in favour of 20mph zones and how many against, how many in favour of speed cushions and how many against, how many in favour of changes to yellow lines and how many against.5. The data LBB is using to determine How many speeding related accidents/incidents have there been in the county roads only (not including the High Road, or Fortis Green) over the past year/past two years, providing links to the actual data itself. I understand LBB is relying on data in the STATS19 database. Please provide a link to the exact data or a pdf of the data itself. 6. Data for evidence being relied on by LBB of dangerous parking, reduced visibility, speeding, rat running, and reckless driving; in the county roads only. Dates of the data relied on, showing numbers of incidents of dangerous parking (and how LBB defines dangerous parking), reduced visibility (numbers of incidents across the data being relied on and how reduced visibility is defined by LBB), speeding (number of incidents across the data being relied on and how speeding is deinfied by LBB), rat running (numbers of incidents across the data being relied on and how rat running is defined by LBB), and reckless driving (numbers of incidents across the data being relied on and how reckless driving is defined by LBB); 7. Please supply the evidence by which LBB has examined any cost benefit analysis of the cost of implementing speed cameras on the county roads versus cost of implementing speed bumps on county roads. Including cost of installing x number of cameras, cost of maintaining, anticipated levels of income resulting, versus cost of installing x number speed bumps, consequent costs of pollution and noise, taking particular account of the Public Sector Equality Duty and impact of speed bumps on residents' quiet enjoyment of property, noise, pollution, impact of residents with disabilities/mobility issues, reduction of number of parking spaces. 8. Please supply the evidence relied on by LBB and referred to in XX Customer Service Advisor, Highways, Environment Directorate London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW Tel: 0208 359 3555 | Web: to XX dated 13 January 2025 which indicates that speed cushions when properly installed, can successfully moderate traffic speeds with minimal disruption. 9. The survey results of the speed surveys/cameras LBB put in place on the county roads following the petition to make the county roads 20mph in September 2023. Please provide a link to where the results of the data can be found, including data which shows the number of vehicles tracked, and the speeds at which those vehicles were travelling.10. Evidence data on any other consultation exercises that LBB is currently undertaking around traffic calming measures, and where those measures are proposed to be installed, by named road and postcode. For traffic calming measures already installed, the details o

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018 (20) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018 INFO REQUESTED (9) - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (10) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (11) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (12) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (13) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (14) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (15) Ref 13919728_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (16) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (17) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (18) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (19) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (1) Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (21) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (22) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (23) - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (24) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (25) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (26) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (27) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (2) Ref 13919728_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (3) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (4) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (5) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (6) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (7) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (8) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE018  (9) Ref 13919728 - application/pdf - Download