Accounts Payable team capabilities and protections against fraud, errors, duplicates and compliance
Received: 4 February 2025
I am writing to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, relating to the Accounts Payable team capabilities and protections against fraud, errors, duplicates and compliance. 1. Does the authority share accounts payable or procurement functions with another authority or shared service function? If yes, who? 2. Which ERP system is used by the authority (e.g. Oracle, SAP, Advanced, Civica)? 3. Please state the total number and value of supplier transactions (invoices and credit notes) processed by Accounts Payable in the last financial year? 4. Does the authority utilise any 3rd party software to identify or protect against supplier payment errors (including duplicate, erroneous payments or potential fraud) before payment is made? 4a. If yes, please state the name of the software, the engagement date, the current contract end date and the annual value of the contract awarded to the external organisation (or total value and contract length). 5. Does the authority utilise any 3rd party or 3rd party software to identify historical payment errors (including duplicate, erroneous payments or potential fraud)? 5a. If yes, please state the name of the software or partner, the engagement date and the current contract end date and frequency of engagement (if not continuous). Please also provide the contract value or terms of engagement (if not a fixed fee). 5b. Please provide the value of monies recovered by the software or partner for the most recent financial year. 6. Does the authority utilise any 3rd party or 3rd party software to reconcile supplier statements and identify overpayments or unclaimed credits on a regular basis? 6a. If yes, please provide the name of the provider/software and a brief description of frequency/level of support. 6b. Please provide the current contract end date and the annual value of the contract awarded to the external organisation (or total value and contract length). 7. Does the authority make any checks, either directly or via any 3rd party or 3rd party software to identify sanctioned suppliers, both directly and indirectly owned, within the supplier master file? 7a. If yes, please provide the name of the provider/software and confirm the frequency of checking.
Outcome / Documents
- Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download