
Freedom of Information Request

Nicotine pouch seizures

Received: 11 February 2025

Hello,I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trading Standards department. Please answer the following questions.Do you have a Trading Standards team/department?How many seizures of nicotine pouches has your Trading Standards team made in the 12 months to February 2025?How many seizures of nicotine pouches has your Trading Standards team made in the 12 months to February 2024?How many seizures of nicotine pouches has your Trading Standards team made in the 12 months to February 2023?If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below.Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.Best wishes,Lewis Denison,

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download