Received: 2 March 2025
Are housing applicants that approach the council for urgent re-housing because they are at immediate risk of harm due to domestic violence required to declare themselves homeless by applying through the Part 7 homelessness route in order to be re-housed under the council's housing allocations scheme?Are housing applicants that are suffering domestic violence given reasonable preference under the council's housing allocations scheme?Are housing applicants that are suffering domestic violence given additional preference under the council's housing allocations scheme?Are housing applicants that are suffering domestic violence placed in the top priority Band in the council's housing allocations scheme? If not which Band are they placed in?Which Band(s) are housing applicants placed in if they are considered to be homeless under S166A (3)(a) and have an urgent need to move because of domestic violence? Are any of these the top priority Band?How many males between 2024/2025 approached Barnet council for urgent rehousing due to fleeing domestic violence ? Are housing applicants who are suffering domestic violence given the same priority within the allocations scheme regardless of tenure?How many households are currently living in temporary accommodation provided by Barnet Homes? Of these households how many are statutorily homeless and how many have the council accepted a duty to re-house?Of the households who the council have accepted a duty to rehouse, how many are male single people (ie. with no dependents) fleeing domestic violence?In 2024 how many males with a local connection fleeing domestic violence have been offered social housing? Of these how many are Band 1 and 2 and what were the priority dates?In 2024-2025 how many males with no dependents fleeing domestic violence have been offered social housing? In 2024-2025 how many males fleeing domestic violence have been placed in band 3 . What year is the most updated version of the housing allocations scheme and where can it be located ? Please attach it to your email response, thankyou .
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