Barnet residents can join in the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations with the lighting of a beacon at a local church on the evening of Thursday 21st April.

The Worshipful the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Mark Shooter, will speak briefly before the beacon is set alight at 7.30pm outside the bell tower of St Mary the Virgin Church, on Hadley Common.
Everyone is invited to take part in the celebrations, which will include bell ringing from 6.50pm, followed by the singing of the national anthem and a round of cheers.
The Mayor said: “The Queen has been a quiet inspiration to most Barnet residents throughout her long reign and her even longer life. I am proud to join fellow residents in this great tribute and national celebration.”
The Rector of the parish, the Revd Dr Thomas Renz, said people can see most of the action outside.
“We’ll carry a lantern lit from a candle on the altar outside to the front of the church where a rope will pull it up to someone on top of the bell tower. They will light the gas lance with which the beacon is lit,” he said.
Refreshments will be available after the beacon is lit.
The event is part of a national celebration, echoing the Diamond Jubilee in 2012, which will see hundreds of beacons lit across the country at the same time.