The Communities Secretary James Brokenshire has approved the Compulsory Purchase Order for the new Brent Cross West Thameslink station.

This enables Barnet Council to move the £250m programme to the next stage of the development process, which will deliver an additional new station to support the development of 7,500 new homes, offices and an expanded shopping centre at Brent Cross, along with replacement freight and waste facilities. The new station will open in 2022.
The Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius, said: “The Secretary of State's decision marks a significant milestone in the Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration scheme, which will bring great benefits to Barnet and also to London.
“This approval will now advance Barnet Council and partners Network Rail to delivering the new Brent Cross West station, which will link residents to Kings Cross St Pancras in 12 minutes.
“A compulsory purchase order is always a last resort and we acknowledge those whose properties may fall within the boundary of the development. We will continue to work to reach agreement with them, local business and all our partners, to realise the potential of the area and deliver for Barnet.”
The Secretary of State’s confirmation follows an extensive public inquiry in September 2017, where local residents and businesses made representations.
Notes to editors:
1) Brent Cross Thameslink, delivered by Barnet Council in partnership with Network Rail, will bring a number of major transport infrastructure improvements to the area. The new Brent Cross West station will link the Brent Cross Cricklewood development to King’s Cross St Pancras in 12 minutes.
Other infrastructure works will enable construction of the new station, including an enhanced and modernised strategic rail freight facility, a replacement state of the art waste transfer station, new rail stabling (sidings) areas and a new bridge for vehicles and pedestrians across the Midland Mainline train line with improved links for cyclists.
2) The £4.5b Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration programme is Barnet Council’s largest and is hugely significant for North West London. It stretches over 370 acres and will see the refurbishment and expansion of the Brent Cross shopping centre, create a new town centre with 7,500 new homes and commercial space, and delivery of the additional Brent Cross West Thameslink station.
There will be comprehensive redesign of major road junctions, as well as enhanced pedestrian and cycle networks, including a new living bridge across the A406. The programme is also expected to create up to 27,000 new jobs and will be a huge economic boost for the area.
3) Over the forthcoming weeks, an important milestone will be marked in the regeneration programme as works begin on site. Residents who live and work close to works will receive correspondence from the respective development partners to make them aware of what is coming up, and of the opportunities to meet and speak with the relevant teams to find out more.
Coming up:
Brent Cross Thameslink - Network Rail will be in communication with lineside neighbours on the enabling works that will soon begin to prepare the site for the sidings which will serve the new Brent Cross West station and Thameslink network.
Brent Cross London – Hammerson and Aberdeen Standard Investments, owners of Brent Cross, will begin their enabling works later this year, ahead of the main construction works, which will double the size of the existing centre to two million sq ft of retail and leisure space and deliver hotel accommodation, improved public spaces, a relocated and enlarged bus station and improved transport and highways infrastructure.
Brent Cross South - Argent Related, as joint venture partner of Barnet Council, will be holding localised community events to share exciting proposals for the temporary open space that will be submitted as a planning application in the summer
All partners are committed to keeping neighbouring communities informed and also minimising disruption by acting as considerate developers.