Celebrating the people who together make Barnet.

Eliot Tang
Celebrating the people who together make Barnet.
Together, we are Barnet will highlight some of our many groups, sports teams and local projects, as well as individuals, who contribute so much to our community.
This week we're focusing on Eliot Tang, founder of Rising Stars, which through sports, arts and holiday camps Eliot Tang and his team of handpicked coaches are bringing together hundreds of Barnet’s children outside of school.
“I wanted to create a safe space for children to play freely outside of school hours. Too many children are stuck indoors after school, at weekends and during the holidays. Our Rising Stars programmes get children outdoors, doing sports and creative activities.
“It’s great to see kids of all backgrounds attending and taking part. The children we coach really represent the spread of cultural and ethnic backgrounds of people in the borough. As an adult, it’s very refreshing to see just how innocent children are. They don’t pay much attention to any differences, they just want to play and make new friends."
Find out more about Eliot and how to get involved with our Together, we are Barnet campaign.