Together, we are Barnet will highlight some of our many groups and local projects, as well as individuals, who contribute so much to our community.

Together we are Barnet Bread n Butter
Celebrating the people who together make Barnet
Together, we are Barnet will highlight some of our many groups and local projects, as well as individuals, who contribute so much to our community.
This week we're focusing on Filomena Komodromou, co-founder and director of Bread n Butter, a social enterprise that teaches Barnet residents the basic life skills of healthy cooking and sustainable living.
“We launched Bread n Butter in 2018. While I was training to become a nutritional therapist I decided that I wanted to do something community based with my knowledge and skills. I believe that everyone should know something about healthy eating.
“Bread n Butter runs cookery workshops for people of all backgrounds and ages. We have already helped many people to expand their knowledge of healthy eating and teaching them how to cook tasty nutritious food. Our Waste Warriors programme which we launched last year teaches primary school children about sustainable living and recycling.
“There is a huge social aspect to Bread n Butter. Our classes get people out of their homes and meeting and mixing with others in the community. We get people talking and sharing their knowledge, and inspiring each other. We get to know each other. You hear a lot about community spirit being dead in London but I don’t believe that. Community spirit is there and we’re harnessing it.”
Find out more about Filomena and how to get involved with our Together, we are Barnet campaign: