Volunteers' Week takes place nationally from 1-7 June and presents an opportunity to celebrate and thank the people who make a difference in Barnet which is at the heart of the borough-wide #BarnetTogether campaign.
To support Volunteers' Week across the borough, the council will be launching phase two of its #BarnetTogether campaign to thank our residents for the important work they do in the community to help make Barnet a great place to live and encourage more people to ‘do their bit’.
Stephen Evans, Interim Chief Operating Officer for Barnet Council, said: “I am pleased the council is supporting Volunteers' Week and want to thank our residents for the collective efforts they make in helping to make Barnet a great place to live.”
“Our Barnet Together campaign has brought to light many of the borough’s local volunteers who go the extra mile to support their local communities and we hope our campaign will encourage more residents and community groups to get involved.”
If you have capacity to help get involved, take our Barnet Together Quiz and see what opportunities there are in Barnet. Residents can take part in the quiz by visiting www.barnettogether.org.uk
In addition to the quiz, residents can take part in a number of activities held during Volunteers’ Week such as the Barnet Volunteering Fair on 7 June at the Arts Depot, 5 Nether St, N12 0GA.
During the week there are events across the borough to both celebrate and facilitate volunteering:
The Barnet Volunteering Fair: Held on 7 June, at the Arts Depot in North Finchley, the Volunteering Fair is an opportunity to browse current opportunities, get to know volunteer involving organisation in Barnet and chat to Volunteering Barnet who can help find the right volunteering opportunity for you. An awards ceremony at the fair will also recognise some of the borough’s most active volunteers. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/barnet-volunteering-fair-2017-tickets-33397352380
For more information email: enquiry@volunteeringbarnet.org.uk
The Jewish Volunteering Network (JVN) road show: An opportunity to find out more about the fantastic work that JVN does and how they can help find the perfect volunteering role for you. The team will be located outside Costa Coffee on 8 June from 9.30am to 3.30pm on Station Road, HA8 7BD and on 9 June from 9am to 4pm at Borehamwood Shopping Park, Theobald St, WD6 4PR. For more information visit: http://webdefence.global.blackspider.com/urlwrap/?q=AXicDcg9EoIwEAbQr7PwLG7iD42VQuEB1ANkQgQUNsyyJMPR7Gy9lb7yYYX6CywfQPplVziaJNHgut5HVok9-TggHe6X6ubP1m7tvkApgWvHdNXQceuk1lPphINSExPNL7Sq49GYnDM9E1OU5r_mMessYRNSYJ1obEcA6zfwAzQKK6Q&Z
Visit: www.barnet.gov.uk/barnettogether for more information.