The brand new library at Church End Finchley is now officially open to residents in Barnet.

The new library is a three minute walk from the old site and is situated on Regents Park Road, providing modern, fit for purpose library facilities and delivering significant benefits for local residents. The library is one of Barnet Council’s four “Core Plus” libraries, providing the most extensive range of services and opening hours, whilst delivering a wide range of reading, learning, and cultural events.
Following consultation with residents, Barnet Council has redesigned its library service to allow it to keep all 14 libraries in the borough open, as well as home, mobile and digital library resources, whilst delivering essential savings.
As part of the programme, two brand new library buildings in Colindale and Finchley Church End have been opened. Though the number of staffed hours is reducing, the council is offering technology-enabled opening hours to library services at 10 library sites, including Church End Library. To date, over 11,000 residents have signed up to use this new service.
Registered customers can now use their library card and PIN to access Church End Library using self-service opening.
The self-service facility will initially be available during the daytime, with a temporary ‘here to help’ team on hand for the first few weeks to assist customers in using the technology. The opening hours will then be extended once people have become familiar and comfortable with how the self-service facility works.
During these hours, people can use library space, borrow, return and renew items, use PCs, print and access the Wi-Fi internet service.
Councillor Reuben Thompstone, Chairman of the Children, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee, said: “I recently paid a visit to the new library in Church End and was greatly impressed by this modern and spacious new development. It is a welcome addition to the Finchley Community and I’m sure library users will also be pleased with this fantastic new facility.
“The introduction of the self-service facility means that local residents will now be able to access the library at times convenient to them. Staff will also be on hand in the initial weeks to assist people in becoming comfortable with the new service.”
Schools can also register to use the self-service opening hours and will be able to accompany children during unstaffed hours. Barnet Council has been working with schools to ensure that they are aware of this opportunity.
During October, Finchley Church End Library will play host to a wide range of activities and events as part of the Barnet Libraries Festival.