Residents are being invited to give the council their views and concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour in their area.

The consultation, which runs until 29 February, gives people the chance to help shape what the Barnet Safer Communities Partnership should concentrate on in 2016/17.
The partnership is made up of a number of organisations including the council, Metropolitan Police, Fire Service, Victim Support, Probation Service and Middlesex University.
The consultation is intended to gather people’s perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour in their area, their feelings about how well the partnership is tackling crime and what the 2016/17 priorities should be.
The aim of the partnership is that everyone who lives, works in, or visits Barnet will feel and be safe.
Since 2005 overall crime has fallen by over 25 per cent and there have been significant reductions in the number of burglaries and robberies.
These priorities form part of the Safer Communities Partnership Strategy 2015-2020.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chairman of the Community Leadership Committee, said: “This consultation is a very important way for us to understand people’s perception of crime in their area and what issues matter most to them.
“The Safer Communities Partnership Board is a crucial way for key organisations in Barnet to work together on how best to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
“I would like to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation and help keep Barnet a safe borough.”
To take part in the consultation visit the engage website.
Residents can also request a printed copy of the survey by calling the Community Safety team on 0208 359 6071.