Barnet Council has published a report today that sets out progress to date on realigning the council’s contractual arrangements with Capita, following an initial announcement in July.

Hendon Town Hall
The report, which will be presented to Committee this evening (Tuesday 11 December), will recommend that Finance and Strategic HR services transfer from Capita to the council by April 2019, to address performance issues.
It also recommends that a phased approach is adopted to review the remaining services, to enable a thorough and full assessment to take place on the best way to deliver them in the future. This approach does not rule out all services being returned to the council.
The grouping and prioritisation of services and approach for assessing future deliver arrangements will be subject to public consultation.
The Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius, said: “A lot of work has taken place since July to review contractual arrangements with Capita, and that work is continuing at pace. Working through the detail of these arrangements, to ensure we achieve best value for residents, means it’s important that we take the time to get this right, while making progress and taking action where needed.”
“The return of Finance and Strategic HR services and the approach to the wider review will be debated by members at Committee”