Barnet Council, working with local service providers and the community, will commemorate this Friday’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a free community event open to all.

Councillor David Longstaff, Mayor of Barnet and Chairman of Barnet’s Community Leadership Committee, said:
"We are looking forward to welcoming everyone on Friday 25 November at the Sangam Centre.
“Locally we know that an average of around 2500 cases of reported domestic violence and abuse (DVA) are reported in Barnet each year.
“This event demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that all members of our community in Barnet are safe, especially women, girls and those who suffer DVA.
“We want to provide the best support at the right time to victims so we enable them and their families to be more resilient.
“The event will send a clear signal to the local community, victims, survivors and perpetrators that preventing violence against women and girls remains a priority for Barnet Council and its partners.”
Guests can also enjoy free refreshments as well as a crèche and activities for children.
Visitors are also welcome to talk confidentially to staff if they wish, about their own circumstances or those of friends or family.
Anyone who cannot make the event can also attend the council’s DVA One Stop Shop which runs every Thursday from 930am-1230pm at Barnet House. It is a drop-in service with no appointment needed.