Penalty notices will be issued from today for illegal driving manoeuvres picked up by CCTV cameras outside a number of schools and at key junctions across the borough.

The first schools to take part in the scheme to keep roads safe in the borough are Ayesha Community School and Whitings Hill Primary School. Penalty notices will also be sent for offences picked up by CCTV cameras on Cricklewood Broadway.
Over the coming weeks penalty notices will be issued for parking or motoring offences near another 24 schools and road junctions. The CCTV cameras will be moved around up to 62 schools and traffic junctions over the coming months.
You can find more information and the full list of CCTV sites and enforcement start dates on the council website.
The cameras are designed to help:
- make roads safer – especially for children
- keep traffic moving and
- reduce air pollution.
Jamie Blake, commissioning director for environmental services, said: “In recent weeks we’ve been sending warning notices to erring motorists identified by the cameras – with several drivers thanking us for alerting them to the new cameras before issuing penalty notices. We’ve also highlighted our plans through social media, the local press and by working with schools.”