Residents still have a few days to contribute their views to three planning briefs that are designed to help shape any future development proposals at specific sites in the borough.

Planning briefs help set out the key parameters to guide any future planning proposals to make sure any development over the coming years fits with the council’s priorities as well as being sustainable.
The three draft planning briefs relate to potential development sites at Copthall, the National Institute for Medical Research site and the North London Business Park.
The consultation, which comes to an end on 17 February 2016, gives people the chance to have their say on the drafts which, once adopted, will help guide the planning authority when considering any future planning applications for the sites.
Consultation events so far have included drop-in exhibitions for people to view the draft briefs with planning officers on hand to answer questions.
The draft planning brief for the Copthall sport and recreation estate in Mill Hill is intended to guide how the site could deliver sports and physical activity facilities within a parkland setting.
The briefs for the North London Business Park in New Southgate, and the National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, set out the opportunity for mixed use developments.
Councillor Melvin Cohen, Chairman of Barnet Council’s Planning Committee, said: “Planning briefs are an important way of helping us guide future development on these three sites.
“I would like to encourage as many people as possible to take the opportunity over the final days of the consultation to give us their views.”
Full details of all three briefs can be found by visiting the engage website.