In March 2018, Barnet Council’s Environment Committee endorsed a draft masterplan for the Copthall Sports Hub and adjoining Mill Hill Open Spaces.

Council news
Following consultation on the initial draft, which broadly demonstrated support for the proposals (for both Copthall and Mill Hill Open Spaces), key responses affecting the design specifically in relation to the Copthall Sports Hub section of the masterplan were received.
To reflect this feedback the Barnet Copthall Sports Hub Masterplan has now been updated. The revision to the design maintains the long-term vision for the site, which seeks to provide traditional and non-traditional opportunities with the ability to deliver a range of benefits for residents.
There are no proposed amendments to the adjoining Mill Hill Open Spaces masterplans and we are seeking your views on a revision to the Barnet Copthall Sports Hub Masterplan only.
Please give us your views on the revised Copthall Sports Hub design at Engage Barnet.