Residents and businesses in Barnet are being encouraged to give their views to help shape the future of North Finchley.

The draft Town Centre Framework helps to set out the key parameters to guide any future planning proposals within North Finchley, making sure any development over the coming years has economic, cultural, and environmental benefits that will enhance North Finchley and the surrounding area.
The consultation, which is open until Monday 27 November, will give people a chance to provide their views on the future of North Finchley and the Council’s approach for revitalising the town centre.
While retail and business space remains important, planned investment in residential-led mixed use developments will prove vital in helping to fund environmental and transport improvements making North Finchley a more attractive place.
The draft Framework has been developed following feedback from local residents and businesses at a series of workshops that have helped to shape the principles and vision for the future of North Finchley
Councillor Dan Thomas, Chairman of the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee, said: “This is a great opportunity for local residents, visitors and business owners to shape the future of North Finchley Town Centre
“This type of consultation is an important way of helping us guide future development, and we would like to get as much input from local people as we can.”
Full details of the consultation, including the dates of the drop in sessions, can be found by visiting the Engage Barnet website.
Following this period of public consultation, the Council will consider representations and revise the Framework before it is formally adopted as a planning document in February 2018.
More engagement will follow when detailed proposals for sites within the town centre come forward.