Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Barnet Multi Faith Forum and Communities Together Network following the London Bridge Attack on Saturday 3 June

Hendon Town Hall
We hold in our thoughts and prayers all those who have been so deeply affected by the attacks on London Bridge and in Borough Market on Saturday evening. We think particularly of the victims, the families and friends of those who have lost their lives or been injured.
We give thanks for the bravery, commitment and skill of the emergency services, hospitals and members of the public who offered their assistance so quickly and were undoubtedly able to save many more lives.
This was a further brutal attempt to undermine the stability of British society and to sow suspicion and fear between our communities. These attempts to divide us must be met by a continuing resolution to stand firm together as communities of people of all faiths and none to uphold the values of an openly democratic society.
We must continue to work together for a respectful and positive society where people and communities can flourish free from fear, feel valued, included and able to go about their daily lives in safety.
There is no place in Barnet for any act of retaliation, hate or violence as a result of these events. We ask our communities to stand together and support each other, to stay calm, safe and reflective following these tragic and shocking events. Look after your families, your neighbours and others in your communities. Seek support and assistance from your community groups, faith leaders and the local police.
If you witness any act of hate crime (including disability, race and religion) or violence, please report this to the police however insignificant it may seem. You can report the incident to the police using 999 in emergency situations or 101 for less urgent situations. Details of reporting a hate crime.
To report anything suspicious, members of the public are advised to call the Anti-Terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.
Julie Pal – Co-Chair of the Communities Together Network said, “Let us continue to strengthen our bonds of friendship and forge new relationships that draw on our common shared love and affection for Barnet – a place that we know is a good place to bring up our children, a safe place to move around safely and an inspiring place for us all to achieve our aspirations”
Chairs of Communities Together Network and Barnet Multi Faith Forum
- Es Rosen Chair of Barnet Multi Faith Forum
- Julie Pal Co-Chair of the Communities Together Network
- Kiran Vagarwal Co-Chair of the Communities Together Network