Do you have more to give?

That is the question Barnet Council is asking its residents as part of its latest fostering campaign which aims to increase the number of foster carers in the borough.
In Barnet, there are currently 335 children and young people in care but there are only 115 foster carers within the Barnet network.
With the largest population of any London borough, there is a growing need for more foster carers, particularly those who are able to care for teenagers, sibling groups and children and young people with additional needs.
In the past six weeks alone, the council has had 20 new children/young people come into care – 15 of which were over 12 years of age.
The population is estimated to grow by almost 10 per cent from 2013 to 2018, making the need for more foster carers even more vital.
Councillor Reuben Thompstone, Chairman of the Children Education Libraries and Safeguarding Committee, said: “There are a number of reasons why children may need to be fostered and it’s crucial we have carers available for this.
“Being a carer is a big responsibility but it’s also an incredibly rewarding experience as you have the ability to make a difference to a child’s life. We have a real need for all types of foster carers in Barnet, especially those who would be able to look after teenagers, sibling groups and children with additional needs.
“We want to be the most ‘Family Friendly’ borough in London by 2020 and to ensure our children, young people and their families are safe, healthy, resilient, knowledgeable, responsible, informed and listened to.”
Barnet’s Children and Young People’s Plan sets the outcomes the council is looking to achieve for this population, beginning with ensuring that every child in Barnet has a great start in life, with the security and safety to grow in a nurturing environment.
Whether it’s residents who have recently retired, parents whose children have moved out or any person who feels they could improve the life of a child – the council would like to hear from you.
As well as providing a home to a child in need, residents who become Barnet foster carers receive weekly allowances, a dedicated social worker, out-of-hours support and ongoing training.
If you think you’ve got more to give and could help young people in the borough realise their potential, get in touch with our fostering team today by calling: 020 8359 6274 or visiting here.