We want your views on whether the Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum should be designated as a neighbourhood forum for another five years.

Council news
Barnet Council advises and assists local communities in the preparation of their Neighbourhood Development Plans. A Neighbourhood Development Plan is a statutory planning document setting out general planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood. The council is also responsible for approving the designated areas for the plans and designating Neighbourhood Area Forums to develop the plans.
The Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum was established in 2014 to prepare a neighbourhood plan for the area and after five years in operation the forum must now re-apply to continue to be formally designated. The Forum has therefore applied to the council to be formally re-designated for another five years in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations. As part of this application process the council is now consulting with residents and other interested stakeholders. If the council approves the application, the Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum will be able to prepare a neighbourhood plan for their neighbourhood area.
Please give us your views. The closing date for this consultation is 7 June 2019.