Children and young people in contact with the council’s social care team can now voice their views to social workers using an innovative smart phone app.

The Mind of My Own (MOMO) app can be downloaded by young people currently in care, or leaving care, to help them easily communicate with social care staff and overcome some of the difficulties they may have talking about their lives, concerns and worries.
The app can be used by young people to express their views ahead of their review meetings, say where they feel most comfortable meeting or to give staff their general thoughts or request information at any time.
Barnet joins a number of local authorities across the country offering the app as a secure and easy way for children and young people to communicate with social care professionals.
The app, which can also be used via a normal computer, has been developed by social workers with input from children in care and care leavers to help guide its design and features.
Before being used in Barnet MOMO was piloted with young people in the borough.
Councillor Reuben Thompstone, Chairman of the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee, said: “We know it can be difficult for children and young people in care, or who are leaving care, to talk about their lives, concerns and worries.
“Young people are at home using smart phones, tablets and computers, so it makes sense to offer this technology as an innovative means of interacting with the council.
“I am very pleased that Barnet is now among a number of local authorities using this app to give young people who are in contact with our social care team a secure and easy way to communicate with social workers.”
The 20 to 30 October marks National Care Leavers Week. The annual awareness event aims to highlight the needs of care leavers as they enter adult life.