A proposal to relocate library services in New Barnet and East Barnet to a shared site with new leisure and café facilities has been approved by Barnet Council.

The decision, taken at Policy and Resources Committee last night (10 January), will see a new, modern, fit for purpose New Barnet Library located at the Victoria Recreation Ground. Residents were consulted on the re-provision and relocation of the new library from October to December 2016. Subject to planning, the New Barnet Library will replace the current East Barnet library, which is set to become a smaller Partnership library, run by Inclusion Barnet, from April 2017.
On 1 December 2016, the committee approved a £500,000 investment into this library development. This forms part of the council’s £781 million capital investment programme from 2016 to 2020.
Councillor Reuben Thompstone, Chairman of the Children, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee, said:
“Co-locating library services with well-used leisure facilities will mean our residents will have easier access to multiple services under one roof. These services support each other in aiming to improve both the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our residents.
“We are keen to pursue opportunities to replace poor condition library facilities with brand new library premises when it is cost effective to do so. Colindale Library has successfully been co-located with Barnet and Southgate College and rebuilt in brand new premises and a similar scheme is nearing completion for Church End Library."