Barnet Council’s Policy and Resources Committee has given its full support to progressing plans to revitalise North Finchley Town Centre and High Street.

Hendon Town Hall
The North Finchley Town Centre Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which helps to define the approach for any future development within North Finchley, was unanimously agreed by Councillors at the recent committee meeting.
The approval of the SPD will mean that the planning proposals to deliver the major improvements to revitalise North Finchley Town Centre can progress. While retail and business space remains important, planned investment in residential-led mixed-use developments will prove vital in helping to fund environmental and transport improvements, making North Finchley a much more attractive place.
Last year, Barnet Council consulted on the draft Town Centre Framework. Over 500 responses were submitted and this included a lot of valuable community feedback. There will be a new working group set up to help guide the implementation of the framework. The final version of the SPD will be published online in the next coming weeks.
Councillor Dan Thomas, Chairman of the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee, said: “We are really pleased that the committee has given its full support and we are now keen to get started with this development.
“With this planned investment, we have real aspirations to develop North Finchley into a destination that people are proud to live, work, shop and socialise in.”