Every child in Barnet whose parent applied on time for a 2016/17 primary school place has received an offer of a place.

There has been an increase in the number of applications, with 145 more children applying this year, bringing the total number of new applications to 4,555.
A number of extra primary places have been created through establishing additional classes at primary schools including Tudor, Childs Hill, St Agnes, and Underhill. An additional 60 new permanent places are also being provided at the new Ashmole Primary Free School.
This year 92 per cent of children who applied on time for a place at a Barnet Primary School received one of their top three choices, with 79 per cent receiving an offer at their first choice school.
In recent years, 7,500 extra school places have been created in Barnet and the council is now focussing on ensuring that there will be enough secondary school places for children as they grow.
Chris Munday, Commissioning Director for Children and Young People, said: “We are very pleased that every pupil who applied on time in Barnet has received an offer of a primary school place.
“As always, a tremendous amount of hard work has gone in to making sure there are sufficient places available and that as many pupils as possible receive their first choice.
“Head teachers and governing bodies have been fantastic in working with us to provide additional places.”