Every child in Barnet whose parent applied on time for a 2017/18 primary school place has received an offer of a place.

This year almost 95 per cent of children who applied on time for a place at a Barnet primary school received one of their top three choices, and almost 85 per cent received an offer at their first choice of school.
The figures are up on last year when around 92 per cent of children received one of their top three choices and 79 per cent received an offer at their first choice of school.
To help ensure there are enough places, schools including Tudor, Underhill and Holly Park have created extra classes to help cope with demand.
Councillor Reuben Thompstone, Chairman of the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee, said: “I’m very pleased that once again every pupil who applied on time in Barnet has received an offer of a primary school place and that more pupils this year received an offer at their first choice of school.
“A great deal of work goes into making sure there are sufficient places and it is the collective efforts of our whole school community which makes this possible."