Have you witnessed an act of hate crime or know someone who has?

Report Hate Crime today
A hate crime is any crime that is motivated by hostility on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity.
This type of crime is never acceptable and to ensure this message is understood, Barnet Council is reminding residents of the options available to them this Hate Crime Awareness Week (14-21 October).
The council is encouraging residents to report any acts of hate crime to the police. Residents can do this by calling 101 (999 if an emergency) or via one of our Hate Crime Reporting Centres throughout the borough. The Barnet Community Safety team has worked jointly with the Police to train staff at these centres, who are able to support victims of hate crime.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chair, Community Leadership Committee, said: “Tackling the under-reporting of hate crime has been a challenge in Barnet and nationally. This makes it difficult to take action to reduce the harm caused by these types of crimes. It is important that residents come forward to report hate crime if they are victim or witness it happening. Together, if hate crime incidents are reported, we can prevent it.”
For details of the Hate Crime Reporting Centres available in Barnet, click here.
A Hate Crime Awareness Project Co-ordinator, based with Barnet Mencap, has been appointed to co-ordinate activities that ensure all people who live, work or study in Barnet feel confident to report Hate Crime.
If you would like more information or would like to work with the council to raise awareness about hate crime, contact the Community Safety Team by emailing: CST@Barnet.gov.uk