Barnet Council’s Street Scene services, which include recycling and waste collections, street cleansing, and green space maintenance, will continue to be run in-house following last night’s Environment Committee meeting.

The improved in-house model would mean staff would continue to be employed by the council, with the service transformed over the next 12 to 18 months. It would also enable the service to achieve savings as well as deliver its objectives to:
• Re-use, recycle, or compost 50 per cent of all waste the council collects
• Provide services to residents and businesses that are cost effective, easy to use, and help people do the right thing
• Keep Barnet clean and green
• Support a thriving local economy
• Get investment in public spaces
• Be financially sustainable
• Build stronger local communities.
Jamie Blake, Commissioning Director for Environment, said: “After looking at all available options we believe an improved in-house model provides the best option."
“This option will allow us to make savings and improve our approach through new technology.”