Barnet’s GCSE pupils have topped 2019 league tables after recording the highest Progress 8 results in the country.

Coloured pencils
Provisional results from the Department for Education show pupils in the borough performed extremely well when based on Progress 8 scores which gauge the progress made by each student during their time at secondary school, placing them top nationally out of 151 local authorities.
At the same time, the average Attainment 8 score, which is a way of measuring pupils across eight qualifications including Maths and English, saw the authority ranked second highest nationally.
The results also show that 79 per cent of Barnet pupils achieved a standard pass (grade 4 and above) in English and Maths, ranking the borough third best nationally, and 63 per cent achieved a strong pass (grade 5 and above) in English and Maths, ranking Barnet second highest nationally.
In this year’s A Level examinations, students also performed strongly, exceeding national averages, and seeing Barnet placed 7th highest in the country based on the percentage of pupils achieving three A* to A grades.
The number of Key Stage 2 pupils reaching the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined placed Barnet 7th highest in the country.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chairman of the Children, Education and Safeguarding Committee, said: “We can be extremely proud of all that our students and school staff have achieved this year. It is fantastic to see our schools consistently performing at the highest level year after year.
“The hard work of pupils, combined with the quality of our schools and teaching, means Barnet is once again leading the way nationally.”