Ofsted has published its most recent findings following its latest monitoring visit.

Hendon Town Hall
Inspectors came to the council in late November to conduct their fifth monitoring visit since the council’s Children’s Services were judged to be inadequate in July of last year.
The visit focussed on the progress made in help and protection services, including the effectiveness of the council’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in responding to concerns about children.
Inspectors also looked at the quality of case recording, as well as management oversight and supervision.
In their findings published this week, Ofsted found that the social work practice considered during the visit had been further “consolidated and improved” since the previous visit carried out to assess ‘front door’ services.
Inspectors concluded that there was strong practice in the MASH, with decisions being made that were timely and well informed to ensure children were appropriately safeguarded.
They did however acknowledge that the quality of some assessments and plans could be improved.
Ofsted found that senior managers were fully aware and have clearly identified where social work practice has improved, as well as those areas for further development.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chairman of the Children, Education and Safeguarding Committee, said: “With the safety and wellbeing of our children of paramount importance to us, it is very encouraging to see that the improvements we have made are being consolidated, and that we are continuing to make positive progress.
“As was highlighted in the monitoring letter, there are some areas which require further work and we will continue to focus all of our efforts on achieving the improvements we need to make.”
The full findings of the visit are available via the Ofsted website.