Earlier this year Ofsted carried out an inspection of the council’s Children’s Services and judged that they were inadequate.

Hendon Town Hall
The council fully accepted the findings and we have been taking urgent action to make improvements so we can provide better support to our children, young people and their families.
On Wednesday 15 November the council’s Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee (CELS) received an update on the progress of Barnet Children's Services Improvement Action Plan.
This action plan sets out what needs to be done, structured around seven improvement themes, and is aimed at ensuring all the necessary improvements happen as quickly as possible.
The improvement plan has now been agreed with Ofsted.
Work is already underway to implement the action plan, and Wednesday’s report to CELS sets out a range of performance and review findings.
It highlights a number of the challenges the council is facing and well as the progress being made.
The full update report discussed by CELS can be read online.
The CELS committee will receive a further progress report when it meets again in January.