Winter is coming and Barnet Council is calling on residents and schools to help make their neighbourhoods safer by taking part in this year’s Grit my Street scheme.
Barnet Council, working in partnership with Re*, will be gritting priority routes throughout the winter period and, if necessary, residents will be able to work together and help grit roads not included on its priority list. Residents can find the priority gritting routes online
To take part in Grit my Street, which is now in its 5th year, residents should complete an application form at www.barnet.gov.uk/pledges. Each road submitted for the scheme needs to be supported by at least four neighbours or school staff members. If the application is successful, the main applicant for a road will be sent a one tonne bag of gritting salt, a wheelbarrow and spreading tools.
Places are available for 20 roads and 20 schools.
The deadline for applications is Friday 18 December.
Chairman of Barnet Council’s Environment Committee, Councillor Dean Cohen, said: “The weather in this country is notoriously unpredictable and I am sure residents will want to plan for the ice and snow. We will be gritting priority routes to keep the traffic moving in the borough and I am happy that we are once again offering this service for neighbourhoods to get together and grit roads that are not on the list.”
The grit is solely for use on the borough’s roads and footpaths on the public highway, not on private driveways.
*Re is the joint venture company between Barnet Council and Capita.